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Bigear VoIP recording software    

[ unit price:$19.95 ] | Download | Buy
A revolutionary product in VoIP recording
1. What is Bigear?

Bigear monitors the possession of the sound card of other running softwares,it records audio streames is firstly designed for VoIP recording,also if you're listening to a song on a website or using softwares like RealPlayer,the playing song will be recorded.

Different from other softwares in the market,Bigear scratch audio stream from system memory,it doesn't use sound card it'll not conflict with other softwares in sound card using. further more,the distortion of the recording is zero due to the same reason.

Bigear can also play a .wav file from the beginning of the recording when a VoIP call starts,this file can be a sentence notifying the remote side of a VoIP call that "call will be recorded",it can also be a song or music acting as background music for both sides.
(Important note: this function will be available in the next version)

2. Requirements

    CPU:PIII 500MHz
    OS: WINDOWS 2000/XP/2003/VISTA

3. Price and purchase

    The price of a single license of Bigear is US$19.95.
    We accept Paypal online and T/T payment,you can pay directly to this Paypal on Paypal website. for more information about how to buy this software,please open the Buy Now page of our website.

4. How to use?

  • Main screen

    There're 2 tables in the main window--software list and recording list.

    The recorded file will be added to the recording list,and the target software name and it's icon associated with this file will be added to the software list automatically when the recording or playing in a target software ended.

  • Target software

    Bigear monitors sound card usage of all running softwares,these softwares are called "target software".


  • Settings
    1. Mix sounds of both sides to one recording
      After connections established,VoIP softwares(like Skype) start recording using the sound card and send the sound data continuously to the remote side using internet,and meanwhile,they also play the received sound data from the remote side continuously.
      Bigear can record the sounds of both sides simultaneously,and it can also mix them correctly according to time stamp.
    2. Compress the recording to MP3 automatically(available in the next version)
    3. Software list
      Sometimes you don't want the sounds of all softwares be recorded,this function will help.
      There's a software list you can set,and this list can be either "Black list" or "White list",the sound of softwares in "White list" will be recorded,and the sound of softwares in "Black list" won't be recorded.

  • Software registration($19.95,Buy Now)
    Each recording will be limited to not more than 60 seconds in unregistered should purchase a license to remove this limitation.
    Bigear running on different computers needs different "Registration code",please email us the "machine code" shows in the "About" window of Bigear after your have succeessfully payed to us,we'll email you the registration code.
    [$19.95,Buy Now]

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